Saturday, August 25, 2018

Wait?? What??

Most of us have been through or know of someone who is going through a trial in life that seems to others as unfathomable or outside of anything we should even be able to bear.  Our internal dialogue battles within the reality and difficulty of the balance between tears, depression, anxiety, and anger among other emotions.  On the other hand, it is the testing of faith which brings us to ask some tough questions. 

What do I really believe?
Does God really know how I'm suffering?
Do I believe what the Bible says?
Why doesn't God answer my prayers?
among others......

While I can't answer all of these questions for you, I can share with you what He has taught me within my trials and through His word during those times of uncertainty.  Please keep in mind that my trials are mine, and while some might look and feel similar, they remain mine as I completely believe what the book of James says about them.

Consider it great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.  James 1:2-4

A farmer doesn't just walk into a crop.  The soil must be prepared, weeds removed, seeds planted, water and sun are also needed, and then there is the measure of time required to grow and flourish until the proper time for harvest.  There are many pains, struggles, and processes to get a crop to develop correctly.  Nothing happens overnight.

A builder must clear his work area to establish a foundational workspace in which to create his masterpiece.  This might mean stripping away some of the items impeding foreseen progress.  Plans and visions that may be invisible to the passerby, lie invigorated in the mind of the creator.  The finished product being the driving force, motivating a project to fruition.  Time exists between beginning and end.

The Potter stands at the wheel adding just enough water to allow pliability to a lump of clay.  With precision and perfect pressure, He rounds off the edges and molds into the creative vision He has for each lump. During the molding process, a continuous measure of water is required lest the clay harden to the point it must be broken and the process restarted.  There must be a source of water for the clay to remain moldable for the Potter.  This molding and shaping continues until the clay becomes an image of perfection.  
Because we are confined to the dimension of time and are by nature impatient, the waiting can seem like forever. Our Creator, on the other hand, is not limited or constrained by the physical laws that govern our world.  Our inability to comprehend life outside of an eternal time continuum demands faith and trust in The One Who Is.

“I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”  Revelation 22:13

God simply IS…

Yet we waver in our faith of The Most Faithful One, based on our lack of understanding.

For many of us, our understanding of how a car works is limited to putting fuel in the tank to make it go.  However, there is much more to it.  The pistons, transmission, drive train, braking system, and air conditioning are used without our understanding.  We still believe in cars.  And in all of this…there is timing.

Medications are prescribed by doctors for certain ailments.  We take them all the time, yet we can’t see what they are doing within our bodies.  They are taken on faith in what is believed to be true, yet even the drug manufacturers don’t know for sure.  Even so, they all require an element of time as well.

Jesus teaches, in Luke 11, persistent prayer.  We shouldn’t see God as Santa, who gives us everything on our wish list at our beck and call.  Everything we want is certainly not good for us or even necessary for our comfort.  We must always remember that He is for us within His good and perfect will for our lives.  There is a much bigger picture we are unable to see, which is where we are called to trust.  The PUSH method of prayer is required.  Pray Until Something Happens.  This is persistence.

“So I say to you, keep asking and it will be given to you.  Keep searching, and you will find.  Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.  What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead of a fish?  Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?  If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”  Luke 11:9-13

Please understand that He is in the waiting.  Teaching, training, molding, and preparing us for the more.

Are you waiting for something He has promised?  Have you stopped praying for these things?  He may just be waiting for the next one.

If you know someone who is waiting, hurting, longing for an answer, please share this with them.  If this has helped in any way, please let me know by commenting.  And you can always like, share, and follow.

If you have a topic you would like covered, please message me or comment.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

How We Lose Our Goat

This past weekend I visited my parents in Georgetown, Texas.  We had a great visit which included games, food, solutions for the devices of today, a visit from my sister and her husband, and of course the always colorful visit to Walmart.  And if you can't learn a life lesson at Walmart you just aren't paying attention... and so we begin.

Upon leaving, after retrieving all items on the shopping list, dad and I observed an angry man yelling at a vehicle just outside of the crosswalk "safety zone" area.  Obviously in a fit of emotional rage, he yelled countless obscenities at the driver who had apparently encroached through the "safety zone" unyielding to those crossing.  I saw no blood, no bodies laying on the ground, and no additional people joining in his tirade.  Sure, I understood the offense, but the reaction was unwarranted.  Then the driver stopped to engage in the verbal tossing of threats to do harm...that never happened.  I immediately thought each of them must be incredible keyboard bullies, locked into their false personas  and misconceptions of what a real man looks like.

"Don't you realize that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is eliminated?  But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man."  Matthew 15:17-18

Let me clarify by confessing that I have had my share of these experiences.  I am no better or worse than these guys.  I am still human, and at any time I have the choice to act out in my flesh.  It is ugly, self seeking, not edifying, not kind, not loving, and not gentle.

As my dad and I discussed the situation, we sought a better approach of reconciliation.  One of forgiveness, grace, and mercy.

For judgment is without mercy to the one who hasn't shown mercy.  Mercy triumphs over judgment.  James 2:13

Because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23

In hindsight, after this incident most likely ruined their day, we talked about what this would have looked like with healthy hearts.  The driver of the car could have gotten out and said he was sorry for whatever reason and asked for forgiveness from the guy yelling at him, or maybe he wouldn't be yelling.  The aggressor could have responded with a "yes, of course.  You are forgiven.  Just be careful."  Issue defused, forgiveness given, no bitterness to take root, no bad feelings or thoughts, and the rest of their day to enjoy.  Sounds good, doesn't it?

The Bible tells us that God created man in His image (Gen 1:27).  If His mercies are new every morning, shouldn't ours be?  What is in your heart today that could affect the way you interact with someone?  Will you yield to whatever situation is driving your emotional bus and act out of it?  What is causing you to "lose your goat"?  To what are you giving power in your life that forces you to react instead of respond?  Is it bitterness, hate, fear, past hurts, or deeply rooted sin?

There is freedom in confession and talking through the hurts and struggles of life.  If you think you are too strong of a person to unpack these things, then you are believing a lie and are subject to the chaos you have been experiencing.  Hindsight is 20/20.  Evaluate your interaction with others today.  If peace is not reigning in your everyday life, talk to someone who walks in peace.  They are easy to find.  If not, send me a message.

Galatians 5:1

Friday, January 19, 2018

God Is Faithful Always

I have to tell this story.  It is more evidence of God's faithfulness to everything.  Even the song I am listening to right now is proclaiming the faithfulness of the Father.  As He has proven Himself time after time,  I oftentimes am overwhelmed by His goodness and patience as I throw my little fits when I don't get my way, or have to wait on the things He has promised to me.  So here goes...

Most of you know that I have been on a writing project,  which I have finished.  The plan was to finish and go to a secluded place for a time of prayer and fasting to seek the Lord's will and plan for the book.  This would not be just any place, but rather a place that was birthed in a vision many years ago.  It was perfect.

I have a dear friend who has been a ministry partner of mine for many years.  As a worship pastor, I have been a part of his team in 2 churches.  We have forged a lifelong friendship that has been blessed by the Father.  We have both been there for each other in great times of need.  I love their family very much.  

Years ago he shared a vision God had given him and it spoke to his core.  I have seen this vision go from a fleeting thought, to a viable option, to current fruition.  The vision was to have a secluded place where artists could get away for inspirational time with the Lord, reflection, or to work on a project.  However, when vision is given, we are not always prepared or ready to move in it.

For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie.  Though it delays, wait for it, since it will certainly come and not be late.
Habakkuk 2:3

When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.  For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears.  He will also declare to you what is to come.
John 16:13

So as visions have been shared and seen come to life, here I found myself staying in a cabin birthed from a vision long ago, and for its purpose.  As I sought the Father, He was quick to confirm instruction I was awaiting.  Instead, He gave me a gift to give to my friend.  There are many details about how He got me still enough to receive this.  That is the sweet part.  As you can see in the picture above, the name of this cabin is Fresh Wind... and the gift,

There is a fresh wind coming
So be prepared to hear.
We've prayed in preparation
For the Lord to make it clear.
Know that when you enter here
You are on hallowed ground,
For the vision of this place
Was given long before it found.

As you exercise your given gifts
Whatever they may be,
May God grant you the ears to hear
And open eyes to see.
Please enjoy the atmosphere,
We find it rather quaint,
And maybe you can use it
For a picture you might paint.

Or maybe for a song or book
That you feel led to write.
We pray the Lord inspires
Into the darkness of the night.
For this place is anointed
And we think you'll find it true.
A clawfoot tub for showers,
A porch with sunset view.

To sit outside and listen
As the wind blows through the trees,
Take a little nature walk,
Or spend time on your knees.
This cabin has been waiting
For you to enter in.
And when you enter, do expect
Your fresh wind to begin.

Such an experience, and what an honor to be able to be the messenger of this gift from the Father to the owners of this place that will birth more vision, life changing vision for the kingdom.

He is faithful....and I am blessed.